Pittville Pump Room steps nearly finished

The restored flight of steps is nearing completion and the project should be finished by early November. An opening ceremony is planned for later in the month.

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Pittville Pump Room Steps Project Update

Because of a delay in acquiring the Forest stone for the steps the project is now expected to begin on 25 September

The September Newsletter is available

FoP Newsletter September2023

The reinstatement of the historic set of steps in front of the Pump Room will begin on 18 September.

After some rather frustrating delays (necessary local authority processes mostly) we now have a start date for the Steps Project . After the tendering process a contractor with an affordable quote was selected and the contract (after much due process checking details) was signed and sealed on 20 June. The contractor is Snape Contracting, a Gloucester firm. Inevitably the cost has gone up (to £54,390) but it is still affordable. The majority of the money will come from a grant of £40K from Enovert Community Trust with £3K from the CBC Jubilee Fund. The remainder will come from FoP funds, mainly those raised by running the car parking during Race Week.

Work on site is planned to begin on 18 September and the project should be completed by November, and we will hold an opening ceremony after that.

The flight of steps, between the two remaining plinths, is the only historic structure on the original 1826 plan that was demolished (in around 1900) so it is very satisfying that we now have the go ahead to restore it.


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© Friends of Pittville 2024

Charity Commission Registration number 1146790